Friday, June 29, 2007
Been rather busy this few days,
so i decided to blog about things i had done in this whole week.
I really miss holidays.
Tuesday,26th june.
The teacher had reminded us to distribute all the fliers to the neighbourhood by today,
to inform them about the cann food which is not expired to donate it to us.
Because we're having LOVE OUR COMMUNITY day this coming saturday at kovan hub,
and the cann food is going to help the needy people around hougang area.
Each group had been assigned to each block.
So we went to the block imediately after school,
and we saw one postman who is putting letters in the mailbox.
So i decided to asked if he could help,
because the mailbox is locked and he's the one with the key.
So i asked : '' Uncle,can you please help us by putting in the fliers in the mailbox as well ? ''
The uncle replied : '' No,you put it yourself through the rectangular box. ''
Me : '' But it's locked ! ''
The uncle : Then you don't distribute it then ! ''
D.A.M.N A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E.
Can't he see that we're from Yuying Secondary and we had lots of fliers in plastic bags ?
Brainless people. -.-
Instead of containing brain cells which requires us to think,
i suppose it's containing sht inside his brain.
His tone when he speaks tells me that he's unwilling to help,
and he wanted us to go to each unit and distribute all the fliers DOOR-TO-DOOR.
He just had this selfish act which i simply hates it.
I 'm fine when people talk to me nicely,
and tell me that he could not help us and apologize to me.
Like,atleast he/she had this basic courtesy towards me.
Whatever,no point complaining now,when things are over.
I don't want to make this entry offensive by scolding him,
because it's no point wasting so much time on stupit things like that. :D
So after giving fliers door-to-door from 2nd storey to 8 storey.
I came home with total exhaustion.
Don't want to elaborate more.
Wednesday,27th june.
Happy birthday jovan !
Didn't have lessons the whole day,
because students from hong kong are coming to visit our school.
Reached school before 6.30am to had some briefings and preparation,
and in formal attire to welcome the students to our school.
Tour around the school library,heritage gallery,
d&t room,science lab,home economics kitchen and also the green hub.
We tend to communicate with them,
and they was complaining saying that all classrooms didn't have air-con and it's stuffy inside.
Because in hong kong,every of their classrooms had air-con.
I really envy them,they're so lucky. ):
A moment later,
we had teambonding games whereby we need to form 4 members.
And that's including atleast one hong kong students in one group.
So i am teamed with karina and geraldine.
We were given one plastic box and ballon,
and we need to think of a way of how to make the ballon,
together with plastic box to make it move as far as possible.
We only had 20 minutes to prepare,
and that's when creativity comes in.
When the competition starts,
Our ballons did moved but in a short distance,but still it's acceptable.
Atleast we did something,and it's all last minute work ok ? :D
Thanks karina for all your suggestions and ideas.
Had Q&A session about strict laws about protecting the environmental policy.
And they asked how singapore students learn english.
Had some phototaking session and everyone's crazy.
We had took alot of pictures,
and hong kong students are taking our msn email and handphone number.
Time flies,it had come to the end.
Had really great fun with them,hope to visit their school next time.
And that's their turn to welcome us.

Heritage gallery

Home economics kitchen.

Green hub

D&T room

Refreshment time.

DO-REI-ME-FA-SO-LA-TI-TOA? Forgive me for the spelling mistakes

Our work before the competition starts.

My group : Geraldine,Karina,Me,and the hong kong students infront and jonathan at the back.

Karina and me.

Training department ! :D

Group photo.
Thursday,28th june.
P.E lessons was a torture,seriously.
Beep test really sucks,but i manage to run to level 7 lap 8 *beams*
I break the record of level 6 lap 4 for my previous results.
So yeah,nearly vomitted after beep test and i'm feeling tired.
My legs was soft,and i didn't had energy to climb the stairs.
After beep test,we had height and weight taking.
I am currently 172cm,40kg. ( severely underweight )
Don't blame me for being thin like bamboo sticks,
because i already tried lots of methods to make myself fat.
I know it's a shocking news to everyone. :D
But i am so glad that i am reaching my target height of 175cm. :D
Didn't ate anything during recess,and i seriously hate P.E on thursday.
Because that's the day whereby all the vendors will be selling fried food and it's delicious.!
But i didn't get to enjoy. ):
Stop leaving me alone.
Stop being such a irritant,i mean i don't mind you joining us.
But you seem to be treating me invisible.
Did i even offend you at the first place ?
Why must you always laugh and insult me.
Scolding you makes me feel so happy deep in my heart,
because your action really makes me pissed sometimes.
I am still bearing with it,even though sometimes i scolded you and give you attitude.
But when it reaches my limitation,
i can snatch back all my friends and be a evil person.
And i'll scold you and argue and make sure i will win and you are speechless and embarassed you infront of everyone.
You better thank me for the high limitations i had.
There's a limit in what a person can take.
You changed,and you're not the past when i know you.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
I am dam tired now,but i still dragged myself to blog.
So i am ! :D
It's saturday now,and it's 1 more day to school reopening.
Looking forward,feeling excited,or it just simply boring ?
I want my holidays to last longer because i haven't had enough fun. :D
Had an outing with taiyang and luying today,
met them at 1pm at hougang mall.
Waited for them for 20minutes,they're late !
And i hate people who are always not punctual !
Headed to food court to complete all our holiday assignment,
thanks luying and taiyang for teaching me some of the maths questions.
You guys rocks. :D
Anyway,we saw jeff wang hosting a roadshows called 'the champion of the champion',
if i am not wrong it's something related to OCBC bank.
After completing our homework,
we took cab to Toa Payoh Mrt Station.
We atually intend to take bus,
but luying suggested that she will pay the cab fare because she's very tired.
Reached Toa Payoh,and we just walked along the streets.
Luying wanted to buy a new phone.
So yes,we was like waiting for 1 hour for her to decide which phone she likes to buy.
And the final decision was w850i.
The uncle was very good,
he gave us free handphone pouch and free w850i plastic cover to luying.
Luying didn't really take good care of her old phone which she wanted to trade in,
and it got one scratches in the screen and some stupit problems.
In that case,her phone was sold in a lower price.
Hahah,the uncle told her not to remove the plastic cover.
Because she's a very rough person.LOL.
Luying wanted to sell her IPOD nano,
but it's just 1GB and it got lots of scratches and it sucks.
Hahaha,then the selling price is like between $20-$50,
which she think is too less.
And atlast,she didn't sell her IPOD nano.
After that,we proceed to macdonals.
Guest what,i saw SAM from MI-LU-BING at macdonals!
Hahhaa,such a coincidence right ?
So sam was on the first floor,
and i am on the second floor in macdonals.
I acted normal when i saw him,
because i don't want to over-react and the public may think that i am crazy.
But seriously,i was screaming my lungs out in my heart.
Just trying to remain calm,hahaha. :D
I wanted to take a picture with him,
but i didn't have that courage to asked for a picture,
because he was being accompanied by some of his friends.
So after having our meals and chit-chatted at macdonals,
luying wanted to go to bugis to take neoprint and to buy her new wallet.
She really loves BLACK
Her new handphone and wallet,is all black and she hates white i suppose ?
Took neoprints,the machine editing tools is not as nice compared to the others.
But i can still say the photos came out nice as what i expected,
even though we didn't did much editing due to the lack of time.
After having lots of fun in bugis,
i met ZHENGNING from CAMPUS SUPERSTAR at the bus-stop,
when she was about to cross the road.
Boared on the bus,and i was so tired that i atually SLEEP in the bus.
Luying and taiyang need to change bus because bugis didn't have direct buses.
So i accompanied them in the bus-stop and home sweet home. :D
Luying,i don't want you to leave in 2 weeks time lah !
Hope to have some more outing.

They are so hardworking.

Taken at Mrt station,preparing to go to bugis.
Wanting to punch me ?

I super loves them.

Luying ! :D

Some random photos taken last saturday,16 june 2007.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
Mediaclub 3 day camp.
Tuesday,14th june.
First day,we had this session by Mr Peter Khoo,
Vice president and Head,Editorial Projects.
We had an overview of the newspaper industry,which is rather interesting.
And Mr Peter Khoo told us,
that if we were to publish one whole page of advertisement with colour,
it will cost about $30 000.
But,if a whole page of advertisement is just black and white,
it will cost about $10 000.
Singapore Press holding publish a total of 14 kinds of newspapers and magazines.
Next,we had this session by Miss Serene Goh,Editor of IN and Little Red Dot.
Everyone of us were given a total of 15minutes to complete the quiz,
to find out roles that suits us the best in the newsroom.
The example of the roles are :
photojournalists,newshound,editor,publisher,marking and sales.
And that's when we were divided into groups,
and create our own magazines by using our own creativity.
Some of the examples are :
What's the name of the magazine,how many pages and etc.
A moment later,
we had this session by Mr Sujin Thomas,Journalist,The Straits Times.
He interviewed before celebrities such as Kelly Clarkson and Good Charlotte.
And he shared with us many interesting encounters he had encountered,
like avril lanvinge was very rude and replied 'WHATEVER' during phone interview,
and she hang up the phone immediately.
We learn alot from him and i think everyone enjoyed attending his workshop.
And being a entertainment journalist,
many of us envy him that he can get close with many famous popstars in asia.

Session by Mr Peter Khoo,Vice president and Head,Editorial Projects.

It's Lunch time ! :D

Session by Mr Sujin Thomas,Journalist,The Straits Times.
End of day 1
Wednesday,13th june.
Day 2,we had the tour of News Centre.
We went and visited 100.3FM and 98.3FM radio stations,
where DJ Je Augustine was on-air.
According to our tour guide,
it is a rare occurence that non-workers are allowed inside.
It was a great opportunity for budding journalists like us,
to see what goes on in the place.
Next,we had visited the Information Resource Centre,
Singapore Press Holding had a total of 162 years of history,
and one month later,it's going to celebrate it's 163th anniversary.
We were introduced to the image database,
which was on the computer.
The software stores all pictures sent in from foreign and local photographers.
It has almost every picture of every celebrity,prominent figure,
or anybody involved in an article.
It was simply amazing and interesting.
We even view the very first Straits Times Newspaper published in year 1845!
In the news centre,reporters are busy typing out their reports.
And editors are editing all the articles.
But the tour,even though it was short but it was more than just a time filler.
It was a great tour. :D
After the Tour of News centre,
we had a session conducted by Mr Terence Tan,Photojournalist of the Straits Times.
I had learnt that we do not need to put things in the middle,
because we should not squeeze everything in one picture.
It's very boring and it's not attractive.
Different pictures have different communications and meanings.
We need to keep the image simple,but make them interesting.
Instead of always shooting in a straight angle,
we can have an angle of background and foreground.
And put in anything that we can defined in pictures that makes it look attractive.
Last but not least,
we had this Celebrity Interview with affable and good looking MTV VJ,Utt.
And everyone was getting upclose and personal with him.
And that's when girls started to screamed for thier idol,
and some lucky ones even had this chance to get hugged by Utt !
During his free days when he doesn't need to work,
he will hang out with his university friends and go to the beach.
He loves kayaking,volleyball and others.
Utt make sure he will have free days to rest,
because he needs to work for long hours and is very tiring.
He said,
'hosting is being who you are,but acting is when you are acting on the role. '
Being the career that he was having right now,
he is meeting more people and is being motivated by them.
Hosting from MTV to Incredible Tales,
he said MTV is alot more fun and relaxful.
But incredible tales is more serious and getting into the situation.
Utt revealed that one of the cheekiest and naughtiest things that he've done,
is to have stolen Denise Keller's bra to use it as a mask.
He did that as he wanted to scare a little boy.
But things didn't turn out that way,
he was punched by the little boy with the bra on.
Talk about little power.
After the press conference with Utt,
the young journalists all had the chance of getting an autograph from Utt,
or even taking a picture with him.
A rare opportunity it was for them,
you could see the crowd surrounding him.
One of the young journalist went to the extent of pulling Utt’s hair.
Utt, however, wasn’t feeling angry.
He simply mocked by replying that he wanted his hair back.

Before the tour of News Centre.

News centre.

Information Resource Centre.

Newspapers in the 1845.

Session by Mr Terence Tan,Photojournalist of the Straits Times.

Our photo assignment.

The arrival of MTV VJ,Utt

The crowd surrounding him.

Thankyou! :D

A picture with him ! :D
End of day 2
Thursday,14th june.
We had a Tour to Print Centre and see how Newspapers is being produced.
Everyone had a very enjoyable trip.
After the tour,when we arrived at Singapore Press Holding.
We had this session by Mr Pradeep Paul,
Senior Executive sub-editor,The Straits Times.
And we know that editing is not an easy job,
because it is more than just giving a story its headlines or cutting it down to size.
There are Different design element that the sub editors have to do,
like the size of the pictures,the angle,the length of words and many more.
Next,we had this STOMP features talk by Ms Tan Weizhen and Mr Daryl Chin,
STOMP content producers.
Everyone of us found out special features in the website,
and it is set up for youths and teenagers like us.
STOMP was launched in june last year.
A moment later,there were Certificate Presentation and Feedback Session.
Which everyone had been waiting for.
Everyone recieved a Cerfiticate Of Participation.
Yes,and all good things have to come to an end.
Farewell and Goodbye.
I think this camp really bond everyone of us together,
even though we are all from different schools.
During the camp,
we learnt something new and making new friends at the same time.
I am looking forward to december's camp.

Session by Mr Pradeep Paul,Senior Executive sub-editor,The Straits Times.
STOMP content producers. STOMP content producer.End of day 3